Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Excel 2007.
I worked out how to put form-controls on a spreadsheet. Combo Boxes.
(Ain't the ribbon lovely? You're looking for the (hidden, IIRC) Developer ribbon....)

I worked out how to put some options in the Combobox (henceforth ddlb) using a range as the source.
I worked out how to attach a macro to execute on-change. Then in the code, I want to get the text in the box.
Minutes passed as I failed to work it out using autocomplete. I googled. Hours passed as I continued to fail.
Can it really possibly be as convoluted as I've made it?
Anyway, I bring you (me) a solution using the now-hidden / obsolete DropDowns property...

Function GetDDLBText(controlname As String) As String
Dim wsheet As Worksheet
Set wsheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("")
Set allDropDowns = wsheet.DropDowns
Dim ddlb As DropDown
Set ddlb = allDropDowns(controlname)
If ddlb Is Nothing Then
GetDDLBText = ""
MsgBox ("Trapped error - control named '" & controlname & "' is not found.")
Exit Function
End If
GetDDLBText = "" ' default to this.
If ddlb.ListIndex > 0 Then
GetDDLBText = ddlb.List(ddlb.ListIndex)
End If
Exit Function
End Function