Friday, 26 August 2016

Chrome's task manager doesn't appear when using the Shift+Escape shortcut keys

...but does work when selected from the menu.
There are (or used to be?) problems with some sites like GMail, however Shift + Esc didn't work for me anywhere.
As helpfully suggested by Bruce at , if you've got Intel Management and Security stuff on your machine then by default it will have usurped the shortcut.  Change it in the Intel settings.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

SharePoint 2013 CSOM: Prevent last-modified and last-modified-by (or whatever they're called) from changing when updating programmatically.

Simply doing a
sharePointItem["Editor"] = sharePointItem["Editor"];
sharePointItem["Modified"] = sharePointItem["Modified"];
before the
seemed to work for me on a Document Library.  

(I tried "Last_x0020_Modified" first which I got from a list of fields somewhere and that gives an error about..."not existing or might be read-only"?)

Also note that there appear to be other "modified"-type fields on a Document Library that might be for search, but I haven't felt the need to understand those.